You are sailing for pure pleasure. Nine knots reaching in
a steady force four. Several tons of boat, your pride and joy, tramps
along competently in the moderate seas.
She punches easily at each wave. Nobody is racing today, but you are
undoubtedly gaining steadily on that yacht now only ¾ of a mile
Sure footed and secure on the teak cockpit grating you are nicely "in
the grove". She is well balanced and you feel each wave through
the helm as it passes beneath the boat. She requires minimal but confident
playing of the helm to keep her on a perfect track.
This is such a joy and you know her well. A trusted friend. You feel
a quiet pride in her as you grasp the cold stainless steel wheel...................??????????????...WHAT?
Something is amiss here!
Wait while I think about this.....................................................................................
Got it!
You feel a quiet pride in her as you grasp the polished teak wheel.
That's better!
Well, you wouldn't have a stainless steel tiller.
Would you?

The wheel is one of many items that has played on my mind for some
years. Designed and refined largely in my minds eye. I could for years
"see" it by simply closing my eyes and eventually amassed
the resources to build one!
The example here is 5' in diameter (smaller jigs have been made
should anybody want one built)
It is laminated from 1mm teak veneers plus a couple of white wood stripes
using epoxy though out. The SS boss has webs welded to it which extend
out to the rim and are buried inside the teak spokes when the segments
are assembled. The teak is polished to 1200 grade and oiled to give
a surface like silk. The resulting structure is both robust and stable
and so much nicer to steer with on cold and wet or balmy days alike
Following my recent accident it is unlikely that further wheels will
be built.
There is One only 60inch Yacht wheel available for sale at £1200.00